Railways: There are 28 railway lines in Egypt extending 9,435 km (5,863 miles) with 796 stations and 1,800 trains operating over 135 thousand km (83,885 miles).
Underground Metro: Egypt is the first country in Africa and the Middle East to have an underground metro. This service links the three governorates of Greater Cairo (Cairo, Giza & Qalyubiyah). The metro operates from 6:00 am until 1:00am daily.
Highways and Bridges: Egypt has a network of highways covering the country and extending around 48.1 thousand km (29,888 miles).
Air Transport: Egypt has 30 airports with flights accessing 72 capital cities internationally and 12 cities locally. EGYPTAIR, the national carrier, is one of the best in the Middle East and the Arab countries. It operates more than 555 weekly flights departing from Cairo and many other Egyptian cities to 69 international and domestic destinations in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America.